Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hally757 1.15

“M-M-Mommy? What was that?” Dad had come back his friends gone and this time he was using his spare key. “I-I-Is it Daddy?” She nodded and I cried even more, tightly squeezing her arm. I would have burst into tears if she hadn’t clamped her hand over my mouth. She pulled me to her and I sat there whimpering silently, wiping my nose for a tissue. I tried stifling my sobs but they came out accidentally sounding like a wounded animal. I turned and wiped my nose on mom’s dress. She obviously was upset but couldn’t yell because dad would hear so she pursed lips and frowned. I smiled wobbly teeth and all- happy- for the moment because that’s when Dad turned the key. At first it wasn’t working mom had changed the locked ever since “He” moved out. Dad hated when he couldn’t have his way. He was mad when the key wasn’t working now he started jerking the key in the lock back and forth getting angrier each time. He kept at it for 5 minutes about to give up. Then took the key out and slowly put it back in. Images of what he would do if he got in flashed through my head…again he tried the key-he just wasn’t giving up.
This time he didn’t jerk the key but slowly turned it again it didn’t work, but he tried again turning the key even slower so slow we couldn’t hear it so we were surprised when it did. At that moment, the door creaked open and dad barged in. A look of pure hatred all over his face… light… movements then gunshots…screams…he was going to kill my mom…he was only using the gun as a threat but any little 3-year old registers a gun with death and killing so I leaped up and grabbed him and screamed “you leave my mommy alone you mean old monster! She’s not yours!” I tried stopping him but I was too small but I didn’t let that stop me I kicked, hit, punched and bit… the picture in my head was going fuzzy when a fight broke out - Mom vs. Dad. I’ve seen Mom and Dad fight but this was different they’d always fought verbally now they were doing a mixture of both.
Dad slapped Mom hard and she fell to the ground but slowly she got up and that’s when we saw a huge red mark cover the left side of her face. … Noises… more shots… and screaming in between Mom said, “Brad! … You’ll wake Holly…” she gasped through painful breaths. Holly was upstairs, she could sleep through anything. Mom was losing the fight and Dad wasn’t about to give up until he won. Mom could hardly stand up and her eye was swollen black and blue. How could he do this to her? But in reply he forcefully grabbed her wrist and twisted until she let out an awful cry of pain and again fell prone to the ground.

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