Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hally757 1.4

Coming at a fast pace I could see a big burly man approaching. I jumped on my mother's back clinging on for dear life. My life. He yelled something in German I didn't understand-the way he spat the words out with such force and anger shocked me into silence. I watched motionless as he pulled on my sister who was also not about to let go of the thing she loved most. While all the while my mother was on her knees, hands covering her face and shaking with tears and being rocked by me and my sister holding on tight. Surged on by a new energy of fear my sister let go of her fierce grip and broke into a mad run for one of the buildings-any building. Another man let go of his dogs and they immediately went for barking angrily. But the man who with one hard pull grabbed me and also went after my sister and was holding me under his arm like a rag doll dropped me. Leaving me to hit the ground hard. He was still yelling his fowl and hateful words. It was a cold night and the parking space lights glared everywhere. My sister ran around holding out perfect until she ran out of space-then in a split second decision raced across a busy street. Cars whizzing past. Mother screamed and she saw it just in time-shrill and high lingering in the air as there was silence. Cars swerved and screeched-but my sister had fallen. There was dead silence. As we all waited, all except the man coming after her again. His slow footsteps evaded the silence immediately my sisters head jerked up...realizing. Time was ticking. I was breathing hard as I watched to see if she would make it. Slowly she dragged herself up hair flying in her face-smudged and tear stained. "Go! Run!" I shouted as she looked back her eyes searching for me..her other half. Reassured she quickly turned back and went running again-it seemed even faster than before almost as if someone else was in her body willing her to make it. To be the strong one and get help. She ran all the way across the street cars still zooming past looking back once to see the man a good distance behind her dodging cars. Her hair flying in the wind blinding her. An old shed came into view and she ran around it looking for an escape then without thinking thrust herself up onto an unstable ladder each step more dangerous than the last. Halfway up the man following her swung around the corner. She gasped and tried to go up faster but that only made it worse. In an instant he grabbed her off, dropping the ladder to the ground. She was kicking and screaming and pulling at his clothes and banging her fists on his chest. I knew my sister had fought hard to keep my family together. My heart sank as she kept screaming....helpless and he puller her hair and held her up by the neck. I saw nothing as I ran over to him and punched at his stomach and kicked his knees but the feeling that we would never see each other again left me down. There was nothing we could do-my mother who was was in chains tried to stand up when she couldn't stand it any longer. She went over to where the man was holding my sister by the neck was and punched him sqaure in the jaw.

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