Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hally757 2.3

Today in English class our teacher walked in with a huge stack of composition notebooks under his arm. It was silent as we all watched in fear of what was going to happen next. He slammed them on the desk and announced "Okay class today I will be handing out these journals they each have your names on them. Every day I want you to write something THOUGHTFUL in it." And Jett Mason goes "Yo, Mr. B what's up with that? That is not cool man." It's supposed to be filled with our innermost thoughts, feelings and moments of "inner joy."-right.
Dear Diary,
3:34 p.m [after school]
Place: my bed
Subject: BLAH
Well this is it Mr. Balmfield m. Here's my "reflection journal" Yeah...I put blah as the subject of this entry because I think the whole thing is a waste of time. But anyways today was great. I got up and took my little sister to daycare and my brother to my step-mom's house. She told me that my hair was cute with her fake plastered smile and Barbie girl voice. Yep. It was faaaantastic!
Like I have any time after taking my brother and sister where they need to go, going to school, picking them up again or sometimes Charmaine calls and says they can spend the night but Mom always refuses. She hates when Charmain tries to take them away from her. Then cooking, cleaning up after Sammie throwing his toys everywhere, and sometimes putting them to bed if Mom has to stay late. I used to be in the writing club but Mom made me quit when I forgot to pick up Emmie once. I sneak and visit every now and then. Plus homework too? Get real.

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