Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hally757 2.9

Now she was lying flat on her back I knelt over and touched her forehead-dead cold suddenly I opened my hand revealing the treasure that has been in our family for 4 generations the locket my mother gave to me when I was a baby. She told me never to lose it or else Great Grandma Susan would come and haunt me forever I never let it out of my sight. Slowly I opened it the familiar song playing sweet and strong as ever. I listened to it for awhile then when it was finished winded it up again and gently placed it next to my mothers ears hoping the tune would wake her up. I waited and waited but still she didn’t wake…That was the scariest day of my life. Now that I thought about it. I turned another page of the magazine then looked up at the T.V. something about cloning was on I pressed the button over and over the channels flashing before my eyes when I realized I was shaking I tried to stop but it got worse I could hardly hold the remote. Just thinking about that horrible night was enough. I couldn’t continue thinking about that night all I remember was falling into a deep sleep somebody banging at the door and weird men carrying away my mom in an ambulance but the noise was so terrifying to me I was only 4 years old but I remember a fat lady taking me and Holly to a foster care until my mom was better but we were separated because no one could tell us apart except for my mom. Not even my dad could. I cried and kicked and scratched. I bit the fat foster care lady until she started bleeding. They were trying to separate me and Holly and I wouldn’t let them. I threw a tantrum and kicked some more but I just wouldn’t give up my twin sister we were never separated before not even in school I carried on and on until they brought 3 men and finally got us apart. The women felt bad and told them 3 men it was ok we weren’t separated the men were determined so I fought until I was tired and I finally gave in and they took us away.I didn’t see Holly for a year. When my mom came out of hospital after 6 months she couldn’t find us and after another six months she found Holly and she told her everything including how the foster care separated us. Mom was furious and went back to find me but the poor old woman said she’s never seen me since the men carried me away she just took care of Holly like she was her own child. After another six months she found me and hugged and kissed each other and mom cried and mumbled something about dad and looked away, but Holly and I were so happy we didn’t hear what she said when we got home dad was gone. We were both five years old.

Hally and Holly's foster Mom:

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