Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hally757 1.17

he had forcefully tied me to a chair Dad was real angry now and he starting hurting mom picking her up and throwing her against the couch and kicked her in the stomach until she started vomiting. Mom used whatever she could to protect herself but it was no use Dad was too strong. Glass was broken and mom was bleeding with a black eye.
Then dad said he wanted to take Holly and me to live with him in Lakeland. Mom said no, which made dad hit her some more but Mom was made of tougher stuff than that. She was always a strong-willed and determined person and when she made up mind to something no one could stop her. Even with dad hitting her she wouldn’t give up. She fought for Aline and me all she could.
Still arguing, dad thought of something mean. A smug grin creeping across his face and said it to Mom about her Mother. Mom’s mom died of lung cancer and she never quite recovered, so when dad made a rude remark about her mom she went crazy. Attacking his head and stomach desperately trying to find a weak spot. She was slapping, scratching anything. I’d never seen mom so angry. She got him down once but Dad quickly got up and hit back. Suddenly, mom out of breath got slower and slower and couldn’t fight back anymore. She slid to the floor gasping for air which did not come and holding her sides she coughed violently she begged him to stop but he ignored her and threw her crashing into the wall and landed again on the couch when their wedding picture fell missing her by centimeters. It tumbled and fell shattering into a million pieces mom’s only wedding photo-gone. He kept on at mom and I had to watch every sickening moment. Dad had tied me into a corner.
Now mom was completely helpless she just stood there while he punched her in. But dad was just getting heated. Mom didn’t even cry out in pain anymore just let him- there was nothing she could do to stop him. When he had finally gotten his satisfaction he shouted something about mom putting his ugly face close to her and whispered something I couldn’t hear but I could tell it was bad, Kicking chairs and knocking the books off the shelf he was destroying what we had left of our broken family. His face was red and he was fuming. Then one last time and just as loud as he came he suddenly left shouting so loud I thought the neighbors would complain. ...Shouting threats about taking us to court, and taking custody of Holly and me. Every now and then turning around and pointing his finger at us.

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