Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hally757 2.10

Without trying to be heard above all the noise “MOM!! TURN IT OFFF!!!” I screamed, but before I could finish there was silence finally peace and quiet. I almost couldn’t believe it. I was almost shocked! I pulled the fallen hair behind my ear an old habit I picked up “Mom?” I croaked my throat sore from yelling “ what’s going on?” There was never silence after my mom tried to fix the T.V. it was like this for most of my life as long as I can remember. Almost like a routine I gradually got used to, there always has been confusion and noise at night the worst time- when mom got home from work and tried to drown out the all the troubles with noise, She had to be distracted so she couldn’t face reality and what was happening. But Lately things with dad have gotten worse. “Hally!” Mom called again. She called my name 600 times a day.
“Hally, come get your brother” “Holly, take out the trash” “Hally dear can you do the shopping for me?” “Hally turn off that T.V. Emmies sleeping” On and on and some of the things are so little; it’s just a waste of time. And it’s always at the moment I’m doing something important like when I’m watching T.V. and I’m at the part in my fav T.V. show ? where Melanie busts up those stupid snotty rich girls Jean Parker and Claire Madison and the rest of their “popularity” gang. Who think they are all that and a bag of chips, but Melanie shows them they’re not so cool as they think they are which I just happened to miss when mom called me. I wish I could have been born someone else-someone not named Hally. It gets annoying hearing my name 20 times a minute. Sometimes I didn’t answer when she called, which made her call me more so in the end I had to give in so one time I stomped down the stairs jamming my shoes down hard on purpose. I stormed into the kitchen and yelled “Yes Mom, I’m HERE!!!” very sarcastically. She just stared at me mouth open totally shocked. “I don’t like being called constantly every minute every second of the day it’s very ANNOYING!!!” We sat down and talked and she agreed that she would try to stop and only call me when she needed me and not 6 times in a row. Now she still calls me a lot, but she’s trying hard and she doesn't do it as much so I just grit my teeth and with super patience hold my temper, which can get pretty nasty. Still I can’t help some of the impatience that creeps in my voice sometimes, and I wish I could be the old loving, laughing little girl I used to be, but I shook my head. That girl was gone...trapped in a nightmare and time was running out.


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